Monday, March 21, 2011


The hot topic on all seniors minds is, graduation. I was reminded yesterday by my boyfriend's mom that this looming day is only nine weeks away. That's right, n-i-n-e. So what's next? First, a job would be nice. The job search started about a month ago for me. While some might think this is too early in our industry, I have a case of OCD when it comes to knowing what's next and I felt that I had to get a jump start. Although I have not heard back yet it is reassuring that I have some resumes and applications submitted already. Next on my to do list, find an apartment in Queens. I have the roommate, my best friend Dan, but we need an apartment. The qualifications are simple. Two bedroom, safe area, walking distance from a subway. Is that too much to ask?! With everything piling up it's hard to focus on the task at hand, finishing this last semester with a desirable GPA. Everyone's telling me to enjoy my last semester and take it easy but it's so hard to when there's so much to get done in nine weeks. NINE WEEKS?!

Perhaps we all need to just take a breath and realize that all our skills learned from our amazing PR professors will be our secret weapon in the "real world" . Doesn't hurt to have an internship, or two. I've had four the past few years, two in the fashion industry working as a copywriter and two in the non-profit/government sector of PR. All of these experiences have taught me what I like and what I don't like and I can therefore narrow down my job applications.

So maybe we don't need to freak out. If we realize that we have all the tools in our tool belts and we just need to showcase them, then we'll be all set. Until then, a few words of encouragement won't hurt. So good luck everyone searching for jobs! We're bound to stick somewhere.



  1. Senior year is definitely more stressful than fun for me as well. However I have this odd sense of confidence that everything will work out for me (and you should too)! You have definitely had some great internship experiences that enhanced your resume. If you use that experience along with networking with amazing Hofstra PR alumni and professors, I'm sure that you will do fine! You just need to do a little PR for yourself (it's cheesy, but true). Good luck with the rest of your search!

  2. Okay, this just made me freak out. hahah... Good luck with the job hunt! I probably should get on that too.

  3. Graduation will be here before you know it, and it is scary to think of the transition from "school life" to REAL like. I haven't started the job hunt process yet, as I too feel that many PR companies hire on an as need basis. I guess once spring break is over, the true panic mode will set it since graduation will be that much closer!

  4. Only a couple of weeks now!!! Transition is always hard and having options/possibilities/decisions flying through your head making you go round and round in circles is very frustrating. However, the good news is you will be fine!

  5. Three weeks! This was definitely the most stressful semester of my college career and it's very strange that it's coming to an end--it feels like it flew by so quickly. I think I've managed to come to terms with it by now, I hope you've stopped freaking out too!!

  6. So as I write this and there are less than 2 weeks! I realize that college really has flown by. I think that although post-May 22 will be really weird, we've all grown so much since freshman year and are totally ready for it!
