Monday, May 2, 2011

It's Almost Here!

May first brought around some unsettling feelings. It's graduation did that happen? Although the feelings are quite different from past months it is still unreal that we are done with our college careers in a few short weeks. The breakdowns and freakouts have subsided, partly because I found an apartment with two great friends. The job aspect of my life is still to be determined, but with a little luck that will come in no time. Despite the senioritis and lack of motivation this semester it's probably been the best semester yet. We're all growing up and becoming "real life" adults while still having to balance school work. The PR 107 Campaigns class was the most beneficial class Hofstra's PR program could offer. Instead of being lectured about what PR is we were able to see for ourselves in a real life situation. Although it often got frustrating when clients would not cooperate or contact the group this experience was extremely beneficial for our learning in this final semester at Hofstra. As the weeks to graduation fly by all we can do is enjoy the few special moments we have left. Whether it's Hofstra's Gala, spring formals or moving into a new apartment there's so much to enjoy. I hope everyone enjoys these last few weeks and I wish you all the best!


  1. I can't help but feel the stress of graduation as well. For me, with each passing day it feels like there's a vise clamping down on me. I have to find a job, a new apartment, get all my final school work done, all while balancing that with a very layered and involved social life to say the least lol. But even though I compare this time in my life to being in a vise, I have not let that deter me from living up this final month and enjoying it as much as I can.

  2. I totally agree that this has been one of the best semesters. I loved the PR 107 class and also think it has been the most beneficial as far as learning is concerned. Congratulations on your new apartment and good luck with your job hunt!

  3. I 100% agree that 107 was beneficial. We were able to put ourselves into real-world work and what better way to learn than through first hand experience. Yes it definitely was stressful at times, but overall i think it was a great success. As for the stress of graduation, I think we are all feeling it. It happened so quick but we're all turning the page and i wish you the best of luck!
