Monday, February 28, 2011

OMG! Who Made Your Dress?

While watching this year's Oscars it was evident it was an all-out battle of the sexes at my boyfriend's house. His mom and I verses him and his stepdad. Some men just don't understand the importance of fashion at awards shows and his stepdad replied, "Who cares who made their gowns!" this got me thinking. The hot topic on the pre-Oscar show red carpet is all about the gowns. Who's wearing what, what color, is it a fashion do or don't. This is the PERFECT opportunity for Public Relations. Each actress is asked the all to familiar question, "Who made your dress" or another version of the question, "Who are you wearing?" The actresses promptly reply, Gucci, Calvin Klein, Givenchy, etc. This is the perfect opportunity for new designers to get their name out there. When each actress replies, millions of people are listening and then take to the internet to find more info about the designer and their designs. What's even better is with each Oscar show, a few weeks later replicas of the most fabulous dresses are made. It's a win win! The designers get recognition, and free PR, and fashionistas get to not only drool over, but own their very own inspired Oscar gown.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Public Relations-For Free

Interning is a very important part of our Public Relations experience and learning as a student. Some internships can be beneficial and create the networking platform that we seek. On the other hand, other internships can show us a side of interning that we may not love. Last semester I had the opportunity to intern for a local not-for-profit organization in Melville. As the PR/Marketing intern I was able to work hands on with events and promote the organization to increase the member rate. Although it was a good learning experience I often felt neglected and taken advantage of, even though I was an unpaid intern.

Things took a change for the better this semester. As one of the current interns at NYS Senator Kemp Hannon's office I was welcomed openly into the office. I have guidance and the opportunity to use my creativity with the tasks I am presented with. I am doing Public Relations tasks as I did at my previous internship but this experience is proving to me how different people act towards others, especially interns in the work place.

Both internships allowed me to come to the decision that I would like to work in the public affairs/government aspect of Public Relations. More importantly, from these experiences I have learned that although you can have a negative experience with an internship it can still be beneficial and lead you to the right direction.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentine's Day- What's all the hype about?

As a hopeless romantic I can't help but pay attention to all the media hype surrounding this lovers holiday. From TV commercials, to segments on the Today show to the internet we can't escape the hype of Valentine's Day. So what's the big deal? We celebrate the ones we love, but we can do that any day. What I found interesting about this Valentine's day was a PR campaign Macy's started. In light of the American Heart Association's Go Red for Women movement, Macy's will donate $1, up to $250,000, to the American Heart Association through their Facebook page. All you have to do is send a message to those you love through the page. The perk, it's completely free and it goes towards a great cause. Finally, there's more depth to Valentine's day.

I heard about this campaign through a TV commercial. Amidst the typical chocolates, jewelry and flowers commercials Macy's stood out. This is a great tactic to not only get viewers to visit the Macy's Facebook page, website, and store but it also gets the word out about February's Heart Healthy month. What's better than sending a V-day message and donating money to heart health at the same time. I personally love this campaign and think it's creative and innovative. Perhaps this can be used as a future case study for campaigns to come...Happy Valentine's Day!

Saturday, February 5, 2011

PR is like Sex and the City...right?

Sex and the City glamorizes the life of the Public Realtions professional. Samantha prounces around at parties and bars looking faaaabulous. Reality check! PR is NOT sitting in limos and drinking cosmos with a celebrity. PR is NOT about looks, tight clothes and boobs. PR is hard work. Blood, sweat and tears-sorry for the cliche. As a naive freshman I never understood what PR actually was. I thought okay great, I'm a people person, I'm creative and I love the media. Naturally, Public Relations was the perfect major to decide on. Although these tools of my personality will come in handy in this profession there's more that's needed. Throughout the past four years at Hofstra as a PR major I've learned all the necessary things to be successful in the world of Public Relations. What I thought would be a fabulous profession will be fabulous, but I will definitely not be a Samantha, more like a struggling Public Relations graduate desperate to show the world what she's got. So bring it on world, I accept your challenge.